all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 4BW 1 0 53.365424 -1.235592
S26 4NA 38 0 53.362206 -1.315682
S26 4NB 6 0 53.361155 -1.314166
S26 4ND 23 0 53.360719 -1.314924
S26 4NE 6 0 53.361071 -1.316557
S26 4NG 6 0 53.360652 -1.325384
S26 4NH 21 0 53.359914 -1.32517
S26 4NJ 19 0 53.359705 -1.324798
S26 4NN 18 0 53.360962 -1.324537
S26 4NP 8 0 53.361509 -1.324243
S26 4NQ 71 0 53.361788 -1.322706
S26 4NR 16 0 53.360136 -1.323123
S26 4NS 22 0 53.359558 -1.322561
S26 4NU 25 0 53.358567 -1.323734
S26 4NW 39 0 53.358716 -1.324768
S26 4NX 4 0 53.36245 -1.317391
S26 4NY 40 0 53.358641 -1.322621
S26 4NZ 51 0 53.360202 -1.32204
S26 4PA 20 0 53.359154 -1.324386
S26 4RA 12 0 53.366678 -1.316422